Saturday, February 16, 2008

The day I died – Part Four

After they finished the oblation procedure they sent me back up to my room in the hospital. I called my wife Joy who was unable to come and see me because she did not at the time have a driver’s license. It was a very trying time for me but how much more for my precious wife and my two very young children. Joy was stuck at home with a child who was just about to turn three in a few days and another who was only ten months old.

I knew that if I died my children who not have any memories of their father. Oh they would have a picture or two and even a few video clips, but not a father who loved them. If I died my wife would be a widow with two young children and nowhere to turn. This was unacceptable two me so I prayed to God for his help and decided that I refused to die young. I would not leave my children without a daddy or my wife without a husband who would love and protected them.

The next day the hospital decided to do another procedure to see if I needed a pacemaker or if my condition could be treated with medication. I bet you can guess what I was hoping for. One a gain they strapped me to a board and put straight up with a little tilt forward. They would then inject me with adrenaline and message the artery in my neck to try to get me to pass out.

This did this two me four times increasing the amount of adrenaline each time. I managed to stay awake and not pass out till the last time. When I woke up on the table I was afraid that I had failed and that I would now need surgery to have a pacemaker implanted. But fortunately they said I would only need medication.


Jojo said...

This touched my heart. What a good person, husband and wife you are.

Jojo said...

I am sorry. I was supposed to say "person, husband and father you are"

Bheng said...

God loves you that's why He never let u leave your family at this early stage of your life.i bet you will still live a long long long years to be with ur family.God bless you,your wife and your kids.