Friday, May 9, 2008

Sci Fi Friday

Sci Fi Channel (United States)Image via WikipediaI'm excited for Fridays for multiple reasons. First of all the obvious it's the start of the weekend. But most of all my favorite shows com on T.V. tonight.

First my favorite of all Battle Star Galatica, which is much better than original series. But I still like the original as well. Then there is Doctor Who and a new Spin off The Sarah Jane Chronicles. In a few months they will restart up Stargate Atlantis and Flash Gordon. Thank God for the Sci-Fi Channel.
Zemanta Pixie


Anonymous said...

Some truely great Sci-Fi shows here. As you predicted Stargate Atlantis Season 5 is now showing on Sci-Fi channel (check out the link for more showtimes).

There is also a repeat of most of Doctor Who Season 27 (where we first meet Rose).