Saturday, May 31, 2008

Leona's Lie

As a parent your always concerned about your children's well being. You will do what ever it takes to protect them from all harm and do what ever it takes to keep them happy and healthy. And Joy and I are no exception to the rule.

Lately my oldest daughter Leona has been suffering a lot from allergy from pollen. Last week we took her to the doctor for a check up. They found some fluid in her lungs along with her other issues. They of course prescribed medications to help eliminate the issue.

Well Tuesday the day after Memorial day Leona started to cry and told her Aunt who watches her during the day that she was in pain and started to hold her side. She told the baby sitter that last week the doctor said their was something wrong with her side according to the doctor.

So of course the baby sitter called in a panic and I left work to bring her to the doctor. As most of you know most companies will not pay you for a holiday if you take out unscheduled time off the day before or after the holiday. But only thinking of Leona and her welfare I rushed out of work.

The only problem was there was nothing wrong with her. I brought her to the doctor as stated to get her checked out only to find out she was lying about being sick. I wanted to strangle her but had to remember she was only six. So of course I did by best to try to explain why lyes are bad. I just hope she got the message. Oh by the way my new manager at work was able to get me paid for the holiday.
Zemanta Pixie


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Congratulations for getting a holiday pay. It only happens once in a blue moon and you are lucky ;0

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