Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Childrens Prayers

St. Felix of Cantalice, OFM Cap.Image by +Our Lady, Mary Mediatrix of All Grace+ via FlickrI just got the joy of tucking my two girls to bed. Nothing is more enjoyable than the hugs and kisses that come along with tucking these sweet little girls. Of course it can be a bit of a challenge sometimes just getting them to bed. Tonight it was an hour later than it should be. You know kids always and excuse for not going to bed.

My favorite part is saying their night time prayers. We do the now I lay me down to sleep prayer, we do the Our Father and The Hail Mary, and of course the blessings of the family and friends, but most important I have taught them to ask God for forgiveness and to have Jesus come into their hearts and to fill them with the Holy Spirit. I know they don't really understand it all at this point but I want them to get their hearts ready for God.